by Lynn | Oct 20, 2013 | Some Things Never Change
“I knew a noble boy once. He loved to hear about the missionaries and what they were doing here and there. And every day at noon, hearing the church bell ring, he and others in his family went upon their knees and asked God to bless missions. And every week out of his...
by Lynn | Oct 18, 2013 | Some Things Never Change
Excerpt of a letter from a chief… ” A thing like this ( a small gift of remembrance) assures us Africans, who are Christians, that truly all we who are Christians are brothers of one family, and that some, whom we do not know by sight, are thinking of us with the same...
by Lynn | Oct 16, 2013 | Some Things Never Change
Excerpt from a letter sent from a grateful ‘disciple’ to his ‘discipler’… (Certainly makes me wonder if the young Timothy ever expressed the same sentiments to the Apostle Paul?) “I am writing to tell you that I have been made a teacher, and I want you to...
by Lynn | Oct 16, 2013 | Some Things Never Change
Excerpt from a ‘thank you’ letter… “Dear Friend, May I be allowed to thank you most sincerely for the 2 boxes of presents you so kindly sent us. It is really most kind of you to think of us continually in such a beneficent way…I feel bound to write on behalf of the...
by Lynn | Oct 14, 2013 | Some Things Never Change
“Do not say, ‘But, after all, there is plenty to do at home. We have heathen at our very doors, without going off to Africa to find them. We had better stop and convert the heathen at home first.’ Have we any right to decide for ourselves at all what we had better do?...
by Lynn | Oct 12, 2013 | Some Things Never Change
“Only the Men Pray” “The degradation of women under the religion of I…. is vividly brought to mind in the following brief extract from the letter of a lady missionary in Egypt, ‘I often ask the women if they ever pray. Most of them laugh at the idea, and say, ‘We...