Excerpt from a ‘thank you’ letter…
“Dear Friend, May I be allowed to thank you most sincerely for the 2 boxes of presents you so kindly sent us. It is really most kind of you to think of us continually in such a beneficent way…I feel bound to write on behalf of the many dear little hearts who were made so happy by the articles they received. The locust plague here has caused us to lose our second harvest! It is a terrible sight to see so many around our Mission in such large numbers. Yet I trust this may be the means of bringing many to Christ …who were before indifferent. Certainly it will enable us to better teach.” (C.W. Roberts, Magila, 41)
I do not possess the vocabulary to express the sincere thanks of our hearts for our ministry partners. You take our requests for prayer so seriously! So many of you coming here to serve alongside us. SO many sending/bringing clothing, toys, soccer balls, Bible pictures, Gospel bracelets, construction paper and crayons! Recent contributions which have allowed us to construct Phase 1 of our LIGHTHOUSE Christian School as well as funds for Phase 1 of our Pastor Training Institute!
The prayers offered in Faith by godly men and women; hands and hearts dedicated to our Christ and sacrificial giving by Faith partners have allowed all of this to be accomplished and keep Shattering Darkness Ministries…100% debt free!
May our God supply all of your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus!