“I knew a noble boy once. He loved to hear about the missionaries and what they were doing here and there. And every day at noon, hearing the church bell ring, he and others in his family went upon their knees and asked God to bless missions. And every week out of his little pocket-money he gave a portion for the spread of Christ’s Kingdom…” (William Walker, missionary Bishop of North Dakota, 64)
I met a Senior Adult couple about 6 years ago for the first time. The husband was an orphan who had been left at a Baptist Children’s home as an infant. Never adopted, he spent many years at the orphanage. He also loved to hear about missions and missionaries. When he gave his life to Christ his prayers were simple: a wife who would love him, a son and a job that would support the family. Our Lord said “YES” to each request.
It is now many years later. Children grown and gone. Reflecting upon all our Lord had done for him and his family, he said it would be impossible to “hold back” from giving to the Lord and His work. What a privilege to know and love this couple still being used mightily by our Lord to expand His Kingdom here in West Africa!
James 3:6 “Pure and undefiled religion before our God and Father is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself unstained by the world.”