A former missionary to Burkina visited recently. She was disturbed by a song that is popular in the U.S. right now asking God to “Remember.” Upon hearing her fervor I said, “God does not need to be reminded to remember us.” However, upon reflection and in quiet time,...


We have just reflected on our need to “Remember.” Remember God’s love. Remember His pardon. Remember what “our” salvation cost Him! Remember His patience. Remember His call. And so, Beloved, let us take time to remember: God is faithful to hear and respond to every...


Remembering is a two-way street, or at least should be, for all believers. As our heavenly Father, God will never forget us and will always be faithful to His promises. We should make a “practice of remembering”, “a practice of thanksgiving” offered to our Lord for...


Women here in Burkina Faso have been treated as “objects” and “possessions” for centuries! They have never read or heard of being created in the image of God! They do not know that our Jesus values them to such a degree that He died and rose again to give them...


Those of us with nieces, nephews, children, grandchildren…we are well versed in hearing, “Did you remember to get cereal? Did you remember the dry cleaning? Did you remember to pay for my field trip…Did you remember, remember, remember..?” In our walk with our Lord...