Tjenjiero Congregation
Tjenjiero Church was established in 2009 after a medical team evangelized there. On Sundays they average 28 adults and 30 children in attendance. This is one of 2 Lobi churches. Many former members now attend the recently planted Lobi church in Kamkora. The Lobiri are an unreached people group. Most of the members here are high school students. They live quite a distance from the church and during school are only able to come on Sundays, Many Lobi customs are different from the Dagara. Our leaders continue to learn the Lobi culture and thought processes to best present the Word of God in a way they can understand and apply.
Please pray:
- That some of these young people will be willing to attend a Lobi Bible School for training.
- That the members will have a spirit of respect and submission for the leadership
- That the members will be faithful in church attendance.

Frederic Da