2017 Year in Review
Greetings to you in the Glorious and Exalted Name of our Lord Jesus! We, the Board of Directors for Shattering Darkness Ministries, want to thank you for your ever-faithful partnership and fervent prayers for us and all Shattering Darkness Team members, here in the USA, in Burkina Faso and in Ghana.
It would truly take a book in order to detail just some of what our Gracious Lord accomplished in response to your prayers, serving and giving. Some of those 2017 accomplishments are below:
- Once again, hundreds have heard the Good News of Jesus in the language of their heart.
- Many were baptized by immersion in our 14 churches and many more attend Baptism classes.
- Nearly 160 1st through 4th graders attend our Lighthouse Evangelical Christian School.
- Our first Pastor Training Institute (PTI) graduation ceremony was held in May.
- We opened our Pastor Preparatory School. This is a fast-track “understanding, speaking and writing” French school to help those called to ministry but are not strong enough in French to enroll in Leadership Training. This 3-year Prep School will equip the male and female students to enroll in PTI.
- Three new student dorm rooms have been completed, including an apartment for visiting teachers and two apartments to enable wives and children to accompany the PTI enrollee.
- The pastor house in Nakar has been repaired and new pastor house built in Tjenjiero.
- We will have full-time pastors living on-site at their churches in Nakar and Tjenjiero.
- Pastor John Marc is in Ghana at the English Language Institute and Gabriel is a full-time student at the Baptist Seminary in Ghana.
- Our doors are opened once again to receive Impact Teams. We hosted teams in May, September and October. Will 2018 be the year for YOU to lead an Impact Team here?
- Ellie Kate’s Burkina Kamp for Kids hosted 461 children from 17 churches for 5 nights and 6 days. How is that for a “sleepover”? More than 80 servant-leaders helped in many ways including hauling water and fire wood, cooking, cleaning, teaching lessons and sports/games, leading break-out sessions, being room monitors and guards and taking care of sound, etc.
- One hundred Forty women from 17 churches enjoyed Bible Teaching and activities for a week in October. They discovered their Spiritual Gifts and how to use them.
- In answer to a long-time need, and provided by generous SD partners, a well-drilling team drilled in November and are building a water tower which will be powered by solar energy! The water found will be sufficient for the Lighthouse, PTI, Prep School, on-site Pastor’s family – and the entire village of Kpakpara! To God be the Glory!
- In our last e-newsletter we were able to announce the “coming alongside” SD by an Estate Planning Attorney, Mary Lynn Kirby, in Fayetteville, Ga. As we stated in our newsletter, she can be reached at marylynn@fayettelawgroup.com.
- We have a new website, shatteringdarkness.com It is still being updated but can provide information for you. Please pray as we strive to make this a dynamic and news-filled site.
Our thanks to each of you for your consistent support of this ministry. God can do great things through any life abandoned to Him. May God richly bless you and your family this year!
“Now to Him Who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen” Ephesians 3:20-21 (NIV)