Kpakpara Village
History of Kpakpara ( Ministry Center)
Upon reflection, the history of each of our Lord’s houses of prayer and praise are exciting and unique. Kpakpara began under a tree. Hand-full of people. Lots of mockers and doubters. Services stopped. Restarted months later and terminated again. Restarted many months later and we prayed and trusted and waited. Our Lord used a supernatural healing of 3 individual people with a few hours to begin a work He continues to honor through the years!
Ministry Church Center. Baptistry. Youth Building. Well. Pastor house. Children’s Bible Study classrooms. 2 Storage buildings for food. Bread furnace.
Recent ground-breaking for our first Christ-School and 2nd well. The current Pastor is Pascal Some. His wife, Mado is a key women’s leader. They have 3 children Dieu Donner; Azaria and Miriam.