Kamkaniba Village
Kamkaniba. There is an interesting ‘Theme’ running through the history of many our churches. Once again, this church is the result of a medical team. In early 2001 we asked 2 of our unmarried leaders to move to Kamkaniba 3 months prior to the arrival of our very first “trial” med team. I was always concerned that people would look to the Doctors and med teams rather than our Lord Jesus. Thus, we wanted our folks there ahead of time to form relationships and to do hut to hut evangelization. Some of our local leaders convinced me that if we did what we needed to do, Jesus would always be our focus.
The spiritual result of the week the courageous team shared their sleeping accommodations with lots of creepy critters; treated the sick under an awning made of thatch and an exam room containing a cot and a sheet…………..an incredible team and I was convinced that medical intervention and the Good News of Jesus were effective partners.
The spiritual results were so far beyond anything we were able to imagine that we asked the young men to stay for a year. One of those young men is now in his third year of Bible School, Marcel Some. He and Fidel will be ministering in the village of V-1 during their summer break.
The Senior Pastor in Kamkani is home-grown. His name is Claude Somda. He is aided by Albery Some. Claude is blessed to have 2 incredibly spiritual and courageous women working with the choirs, women and children and literacy. Be praying for Zoe and Eugenie!
The location in Kamkani uses the initial church as the children’s building and Sunday School and literacy. There is also the Pastor’s house and shower, etc. As the village well is across the street from the church it has not been necessary for us to drill a well there.
The new church building is beautiful and was financed by ministry partners from New Hope Baptist in Fayetteville, Ga.