1.) PREACHING POINT: A village targeted for weekly evangelism. A preaching point is an area which has resulted in new converts but without a church building or on-site Pastor. All 12 areas with churches and on-site pastors are a direct result of being at one point a “preaching point”.
2.) MOTO/DIRTBIKE: A small version of a motorcycle. Holds one or two people. Gets evangelists to places during rainy season that even 4-wheel drive trucks can not reach.
3.) CIRCUIT RIDING EVANGELISTS: In the early days of ministry, various leaders would come to the house, grab a moto and be on their way to seek permission to enter a new village; to teach and preach and evangelise; to do follow-uo; to do research in finding new unreached peoples.
4.) IMPACT TEAMS( Partners in Action): These are teams from America, Canada, Northern Ireland who have come and partnered with us in various ways in order to reach the lost and encourage believers. Impact Teams have served from 1 week to 3 months. They have taught our Pastors; shared the Word of God; used music and drama to convey the message of Jesus; built churches, Pastor’s homes and children and youth activity buildings; they have drilled wells; treated the sick; prayer-walked; shown the Jesus film.
5.) PRAYER PARTNERS/FAITH PARTNERS: Those who faithfully pray for us. Those who faithfully give of their time and talents and financial resources.
6.) LEADERSHIP TEAM: Refers to our on-the-ground missionary and the KEY male and female Dagara leaders who serve together. ( Patrice, Celine, Mado, Pascal, Romaric, Simplice, Francois, Blandine, Valentin)
7.) SENIOR PASTORS: Romaric, Pascal, Joel, Michel, Marcel, Maturin, Claude, Evarice, John Mark, Bassa.
8.) Co-PASTORS: Josue, Frederic
10.) SD BOARD OF DIRECTORS: On a separate link you will see our Executive Board members with their bio’s as well as our Advisory Board. We are blessed to have ‘prime’ folks from many states and many walks of life serving our Lord Jesus via Shattering Darkness Ministries.
11.) IMB/ISC: Refers to the International Mission Board. A program ISC ( International Service Corp) for college grads desiring to serve overseas for 2-3 year terms. From 2000-2002 Kim and Jeff Gibson served a 2-year term. Micah and Tracy Fries served for one year. A young single man named Sean served 2 years.
Through the years FBC Orlando has been a major partner with Shattering Darkness Ministries as well as Cornerstone FBC in Williston, Nd; FBC Dillon; New Hope Baptist in Fayetteville, Ga; Southside Baptist in Brandon, Fl; Parkland Baptist in Winter Haven, Fl.
Through the years we have been blessed by and enjoyed partnering with Friends in Action International; HeSentMe, GHO ( Global Health);Linc-Up Missions( and Baptist College of Fla); Global Health Outreach/Christian Medical and Dental Association.
Only our Lord would be able to name the individuals who have come and served alongside us; those who have sacrificially given of their financial resources and those who continue to pray without ceasing. May our Glorious Lord enfold and pour out His blessings upon each one.
To Him Who is able to do abundantly more than we could ask or think show you His good pleasure as you continue to seek and serve Him to His glory.
“Rejoice always! Pray Constantly. Give thanks in everything, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. Do not stifle( sadden) the Holy Spirit. Do not depose prophesies but test all things. Hold on to what is good. Stay away from every form of evil. Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely. And may your spirit, soul, and body be kept sound and blameless for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. He who calls you is faithful, who will also do it.” 1 Thessalonians 5:16-24
Enjoy the village histories. “His” Story….still unfolding.