In all the years of ministry here, we have never chosen a ‘Theme” for the year. Never, that is, until this year. Our Lord touched many hearts individually about the spiritual barrenness of our women. He spoke about the weak marriages. He spoke about their inability to read. He spoke of their needs within the family. He spoke of their needs for parenting skills. He spoke.
Proverbs 31:30 is our ‘Theme’ for 2013. We have begun weekly literacy and Bible classes in most of our villages. This summer we have a team coming from North Carolina to lead a marriage seminar using “The 5 Love Languages” as the basis. In late Fall we are looking toward hosting a team from New Hope Baptist in Fayetteville, Georgia to lead our very first ever….Ladies Spiritual Retreat!
Please pray for our women. Please pray for us. Please pray for New Hope. Please Pray.
“Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the Lord will be praised.” Proverbs 31:30