It is with much joy and praise to our Lord to announce another ‘vision’ becoming sight! Nearly 10 years in the praying and seeking. And as so often happens, our Lord has answered the prayer by using His children as vessels and conduits of blessing!
- A widow. Literally sold timber from her farm property in order to have funds to live. “ Muh” sent 50% of the proceeds to be the “seed” money for our S.E.E.D. Project! (Sustainable. Elevage (animal husbandry). Education. Development)
- Co-incident (albeit known to our Lord and NOT to the believers involved) a matching gift from folks at FBC Orlando and FBC Princeton, Kentucky!
Followed closely by another matching gift from friends and partners in North Dakota.
And the “Faith-Farm” becomes sight! This morning, as I am typing this, we have purchased nearly 15 acres of land near a year-round source of water! We have the funds in-hand to clear the land, dig 3 shallow water wells, purchase the water pumps, haul rich soil to the ‘Farm’ and plant 100 mango trees! The funds are also sufficient to place a chain-link fence around the property as well as build a small ‘Manager’s house’ on-site!
Phase II will include adding a garden (vegetables and fruit). Phase III will include raising goats, sheep and chickens. PHASE IV will include raising cattle.
All of these endeavors have one goal. Sustaining and advancing the ministry of Shattering Darkness, assuring the continuance of the Gospel, forming leaders and making disciples within our various churches.
Continued partnership with our American and Canadian partners will allow expansion of our LIGHTHOUSE Christian school, construction of additional churches and providing Higher Education for our Pastors and Teachers. Our joint-ministry partnership will continue to provide food for the FeedHisChildren arm of our ministry. And, yes, indeed our women will continue learning to read and write and teach our Lord’s word! We will work together to see our Lord’s truths’ proclaimed and His Kingdom expanded!
“Now to the One who provides seed for the sower and bread for food will provide and multiply your seed and increase the harvest of your righteousness, as you are enriched in every way for all generosity, which produces thanksgiving to God through us. For the ministry of this service is not only providing for the saints, but is also overflowing in many acts of thanksgiving to God.” 2 Cor. 9:10-13
- God’s supernatural Provision.
- God choosing to use people to expand His Kingdom and accomplish His will.
- God’s ultimate gift to us…His Son. Our Savior. Jesus!
- The opening of our Pastor Training Institute!
- Victory over severe oppression and threatened violence in the village of Naro.
- Complete deliverance of oppression and demonic activity for ‘Valentine.”
- A good rainy season.
- Safety as Lynn travels and speaks in the U.S. April through August.
- Strength and protection for Patrice, Celine and leaders as they direct the ministry.