BAPLA BIRIFOR Congregation
BAPLA BIRIFOR Preschoolers Learning in a Hut
Bapla-Birifor Pastor Michel and family
Bisserke Pastor Evarice and family
Kamkaniba Pastor Claude and wife Eveline and family
Kamkora Pastor Bassa and Congregation 018
Kamkora Pastor Bassa and wife Odette (2) (454×640)
Kamkora Women in Bible Study
Kpakpara Co-Pastor Marcel and family
Kpakpara Co-Pastor Pascal and family
KPAKPARA Congregation Easter 2015
Kpakpara Senior Pastor Patrice, Celine and children Easter 2015
NAKAR 2015 congregation (640×480)
NAKAR Pastor Josue and wife Pelage and 2 children
Nane Pastor Joel and wife Martine
BAPLA BIRIFOR Congregation
BAPLA BIRIFOR Preschoolers Learning in a Hut
Bapla-Birifor Pastor Michel and family
Bisserke Pastor Evarice and family
Kamkaniba Pastor Claude and wife Eveline and family
Kamkora Pastor Bassa and Congregation 018
Kamkora Pastor Bassa and wife Odette (2) (454×640)
Kamkora Women in Bible study 006
Kpakpara Co-Pastor Marcel and family
Kpakpara Co-Pastor Pascal and family
KPAKPARA Congregation Easter 2015
Kpakpara Senior Pastor Patrice, Celine and children Easter 2015
NAKAR 2015 congregation (640×480)
NAKAR Pastor Josue and wife Pelage and 2 children
NARO Pastor Simpice and family
NAVIELGAN 2015 congregation
NAVIELGAN 2015 Pastor Romaric
Navielgan Pastor Romaric and wife Lydie 001
TANPUO Church 2015 002 (640×557)
Tanpuo (preaching at) Robert and wife Noeline
TENKIEDOUGOU children 2015
TENKIEDOUGOU Congregation 2015 005 (640×377)
Tenkiedougou Pastor John Mark with wife Sandrine and Ruth and Apollos
Tjenjiero Pastor Frederik and Joceline
Tjenjiero Women preparing food to celebrate International Women’s Day
V-1, Pastor Albert and family