Linda Wallace
Director / Treasurer
My first introduction to the people of Burkina Faso came in 2000 at a missions conference being held at my home church, New Hope Baptist in Fayetteville, GA. There I met Lynn Kennedy and before I knew it, I had committed to my first ever mission trip. I knew this had to be from the Lord!
In 2002, I traveled to Burkina Faso and had my first encounter with the Dagara people. Oh my goodness, what an eye-opening experience. It changed my life and bonded our hearts together in love for our Lord.
After my first trip, I thought, “That place is too hot for me!” But, once I committed to go, our Sweet Jesus put everything in order and, in only the way He can, He made it happen. Since then, I have been on many trips there and each time I am so encouraged and so blessed to be right where God is at In
Because of my involvement, the Lord has grown me in Him as each trip begins a new journey to discover Who He is and all that He is accomplishing in Burkina. Yes, each trip brings about new adventures like cold showers, no air conditioning, lots of beef jerky and the list goes on and on. But, when I remember why I am there, it doesn’t matter as long as we show the people Jesus and tell them about His Great Love for them.
What an awesome and faith-building experience it is to see these precious people serving and praising our Lord. I now have the privilege of serving as the Treasurer on the Board of Shattering Darkness. Come and join me for the adventure of a lifetime, seeing our awesome God at work in a mighty way.