Naro Congregation
Naro church was established in 2005. Each Sunday their average attendance in 108 adults and youth and 75 children. In 2015 God used a turbulent time of outside opposition to unify the members, increase their faith and prompt believers near and far to plead with God to give victory and protection that Christ would be lifted high and glorified. This was a time of challenge, uncertainty and victory. The situation has calmed but is tenuous. Please join us in thanking God for His sovereignty and continue to pray for this village and church.
Please pray:
- That the church members will grow in faith, unity and obedience and submission to the Word of God.
- That God would raise more male leaders and thank Him for the leaders He has raised.
- That God will strengthen and encourage those who teach children.
- That the church members will have a heart of love and evangelism to win the lost.
- That those lost souls in the village would be spiritually awakened and would leave ancient practices and turn to Christ.
Marcel Somé
Senior Pastor