Kamkora Congregation
This LOBI village church was founded in 2015. The Lobiri are an unreached people group. Their Sunday attendance averages 31 youth and adults and 48 children. This is the second church planted among the LOBI people group. We do not have any LOBI leaders able to be Pastor or co-pastor. We are encouraging the members to pray so that in the upcoming year, one or more will attend LOBI Bible School so that in the near future we will be able to supply LOBI churches with LOBI leaders. For centuries the LOBI have resisted any outside influences. In 2012 the youth of various churches met for a 3-day prayer and fast. They chose to stay at the village of Tjenjiero. On the third day they went on foot and bicycle to evangelize door to door. Seven miles from Tjenjiero they arrived at Kamkora. They discovered that Kamkora had a hand-full of people already following Christ. The youth informed the believers of the LOBI church at Tjenjiero and invited them to attend. Many walked the 7 miles on foot each Sunday until our Lord opened the doors to construct a church and transfer Pastor Bassa.
Please join this church in thanking God for providing a church building!
Please pray
- the peace and love of Christ will permeate our members.
- God will save lost souls.
- for our Lord to help us minister to widows and orphans.
- for God’s continued protection against all sorts of illnesses.

Pastor Bassa Da